Tag: badcredit.org

When it’s Time to Cancel a Credit Card

From the time we start building credit in our late teens or early 20s, many of us start collecting credit cards. Those credit cards inevitably begin to pile up, quickly overtaking even the most robust wallet. By the time you can hardly sit for the bulk of your billfold, the idea of canceling a card […]

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What Lenders Look for on Your Credit Report

At the point in history when lending occurred primarily within families and small communities, many borrowers likely knew their lender — and his or her spouse and children — by name. In those days, your personal creditworthiness likely depended as much on your reputation among your neighbors as it did on your actual financial status.

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What is BadCreditLoans.com?

Bad Credit Loans is not a lender. They provide an online form on their website for consumers to complete to see if a lender in their network can offer the consumer a loan. The site’s comprehensive news section alerting consumers to the latest scams, best practices on rebuilding and taking out lines of credit, and […]

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